Stichting Nijmegen Blijft in Beeld has been collecting, preserving, digitizing and showing film material on Nijmegen for over 30 years. Since it was founded in 1984, the organisation, which is run entirely by volunteers, has developed into an impressive historic knowledge centre with one of the biggest private collections on a city and its surrounding area in the Netherlands. The foundation puts on an annual showing of some of the visual material it has acquired in Concertgebouw De Vereeniging, which is Nijmegen's main theatre. The aim of these popular spring showings, which all of the volunteers collectively work towards throughout the year, is to thank to the foundation's donors and update them on the latest developments.
The foundation's film stockStichting Nijmegen Blijft in Beeld collects its visual materials in all sorts of ways, but thanks to its own research, donations from private individuals plus donations from companies and organisations, the foundation is able to add many metres of film material on various carriers such as DVDs, video tapes and Betacam tapes to its collection each year. As the organisation has some well maintained equipment and media carriers at its disposal, it is able play the various formats and see to it that the material is digitized.
The material received is carefully stored in a cold storage environment at the Regional Archive Nijmegen. Thanks to the excellent collaboration between these two parties, which dates back many years, the images are available for future generations and the history of Nijmegen and surrounding area is preserved.
In addition to the spring showings at Concertgebouw De Vereeniging in Nijmegen at which old and new films are shown, various activities are organised throughout the year to give donors and other interested parties an insight into Nijmegen as well as the foundation and its work. Stichting Nijmegen Blijft in Beeld furthermore publishes a newsletter entitled Beeldschrift for its donors once every six months. This newsletter contains news on the foundation, details of its activities and interesting old and new information about Nijmegen.
The foundation is looking for you and your film material.
The foundation is constantly looking for old and new film material to add to its collection. If you have any film material on Nijmegen or its surrounding area, Stichting Nijmegen Blijft in Beeld would very much like to hear from you. You can rest assured that your film material will be handled professionally and will be preserved for future generations.
More information on the foundation, its work and its contact details can be found here.
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